Local search services that rely solely upon user-generated reviews do provide useful information, but there is a huge gap between the number of available reviews and the number of local businesses in the United States. Grayboxx’s depth and breadth of automatically generated local business rankings and recommendations reliably fills this gap.
The PreferenceScore algorithm has been refined to sharpen its accuracy in representing neighborhood preferences for local businesses.  Also added is the capability for users to see user-contributed reviews gathered from popular third-party sites. In the coming weeks grayboxx will allow people to add their own reviews of businesses directly on grayboxx as a complement to the primary method of PreferenceScore

Grayboxx’s PreferenceScore method provides objective context about which businesses are most popular.

Posted by JulieNJulia


2007. 6. 17. 00:26
Posted by JulieNJulia

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