이정모 교수님 포스팅 덕에 알게 된 책.

인간의 마음에 대해 주로 computer, algorithm과 같은 mechanical한 부분으로 논의가 주로 이루어지지만,
사실 인간의 마음은 기본적으로 "literary"라는 것. literary와 뗄레야 뗄 수 없는 관계이며, 여기서 출발해야 한다는 얘기다.

Narrative imagining  - story - is the fundamental instrument of thought.

Rational capacities depend upon it. - Narrative imagining : story
It is our chief means of looking into the future, of predicting, of planning, and explaining.
It is a literary capacity indispendable to human cognition generally. This is the first way in which the mind is essentially literary.

To study ind, we must become comfortable with the fact that mind generally does not work the way it appears to.

Consciousness is a wonderful instrument for helping us to focus, to make certain kinds of decisions and discriminations, and to create certain kinds of memories, but it is a liar about mind. 

It shamelessly represents itself as comprehensive and all-governing, when in fact the real work is often done elsewhere, in ways too fast and too smart  and too effective  for slow, stupid,  unreliable consciousness to more than  glimpse , dream of, and envy. 

당나귀와 황소 이야기, 그리고 천일야화 얘기로 시작하는 도입부도 흥미롭다.(천일야화도 제대로 읽어보고 싶어졌다)
많이 공감가는 내용의 책.
The Literary Mind: The Origins of Thought and Language - by  Mark Turner
주문하고 기다리는 중.

Posted by JulieNJulia
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결국은 사람 by JulieNJulia


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